day 123: They sell the weirdest things in the grocery store... light up mini bowling anyone? And yes... that is Ben behind the freezer door. He loves to sneak into my shots. If you're interested in seeing a truly entertaining photo for today, check out his blog for a great shot of rita playing wii. I wish I could have taken it... but I was on the wrong side of the dog.
To be perfectly honest, I didn't come up with this idea. I read it on a fantastic website called photojojo. Although I guess that doesn't really answer the whole question.
I've always loved photos, loved taking photos, and loved looking at them as well. I always take photos on vacation but I haven't always taken as many "daily life" photos as I would like. My hope is that in the process of taking 365 consecutive photos I'll learn something new about photography, my camera, and myself.
It's a big endeavor so wish me luck, and feel free to leave me a comment if you love (or hate) any particular photo. I'm always up for a little feedback.
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