Saturday, March 8, 2008


Day 365!! I can't believe that I started this little blog a whole year ago! It has been quite a year indeed, and it's so fun for me to go back through all of the posts and see everything I've done and where I've been. The most exciting part is that I finally get to have all of these posts packaged up into a neat little book so I can actually hold it in my hand and flip through it, which should be fabulous! And... in case you were wondering... yes, photo-rific will continue. It's photo-rific year 2 starting tomorrow and I can't wait to see what the new photo year brings!


erika d. said...

Congrats, Katy & photo-rific!!! It's been a great year to watch your photos. So glad that photo-rific is entering year #2!!!

Paul Smith said...

I look forward to another year of obsessively checking this site, a good output for my stalker tendencies.

Paul Smith said...
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Tara said...

Happy Birthday!! Hehe.

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