Saturday, May 2, 2009

day 74 : 3 generations

day 74: This afternoon we took the babies on a walk around the grove and farmer's market in LA. It's our new favorite weekend afternoon activity to each put a baby in our ergos and walk them around a people watching place... they love being carried, the ergos are super comfortable, and they love people watching so we can walk around for hours... it's great! Here's Ben with his mom and Mr. P... 3 generations! Sorry Amelia, you don't get to be in the picture (because I was wearing you in a pouch)... next time you can be in the photo :)

ps have you voted yet? the peanuts aren't in the top 10 so far and we need more votes!! voting is in the left hand side column... click on the one for Amelia & Paul :)

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