day 194: I've been spending the week trying to get caught up on all of my photo editing and haven't had much time to go out and shoot interesting things on my free time. I'm hoping to go out this weekend and take some fun photos. In the meantime... here's another image from the "things in our house" genre. As a side note, I've had some people asking how my leg is doing (thanks) it's much better in terms of how it feels, but it's looking more gross every day. I didn't want to make everyone look at another photo... but if you're curious to see what I mean you can click here.
To be perfectly honest, I didn't come up with this idea. I read it on a fantastic website called photojojo. Although I guess that doesn't really answer the whole question.
I've always loved photos, loved taking photos, and loved looking at them as well. I always take photos on vacation but I haven't always taken as many "daily life" photos as I would like. My hope is that in the process of taking 365 consecutive photos I'll learn something new about photography, my camera, and myself.
It's a big endeavor so wish me luck, and feel free to leave me a comment if you love (or hate) any particular photo. I'm always up for a little feedback.
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