Wednesday, February 25, 2009

day 9 : close to the beach

day 9: Today I was exhausted. The solo trip down to San Diego to meet baby Olive was SO worth it, she was amazing, but when I got back to LA I was officially wiped out. The babies didn't exactly reward me for my efforts by being great sleepers (oh, ok.... Paul was a great sleeper, Amelia woke up at least 3 times last night) so I was beyond tired when I got out of bed this morning. I decided that our "outing" today would be to the beach, but I got going on the PCH going north and couldn't find a good spot to get out and take a stroll. I actually couldn't find a spot to u-turn either and by the time I did it was time to turn around and head home for baby lunch. Sheesh. What a morning. I figured at least I'd be able to pull over for a quick snap for the blog of the beach.. but in Malibu there are houses or fences always blocking your view of what you want to see. This is as close as I got to the beach today... behind a chain link fence and across a field. Oh well. At least the babies napped in the car :)

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